Marquis de Lafayette Chapter

Georgia Society

Sons of The American Revolution


President - Vern Bassham

The Marquis de Lafayette Chapter of the Georgia Society, Sons of the American Revolution is in Fayette County, Georgia. Our goal is to perpetuate the purpose of the Sons of the American Revolution in these areas: Supporting our Country’s Veterans, Boy and Girl Scouting programs, and the Junior ROTC programs at area high schools. We also support educational, historical and patriotic events in our communities. The Marquis de Lafayette Chapter includes members from Fayette, Henry, Clayton and portions of Coweta Counties. Contact us to see if you are in our area.
The Marquis de Lafayette Chapter meets on the second Tuesday of each month. The months of August and January are devoted to special events, which include our annual picnic and new officer installations, along with a formal dinner.
Meeting places and times are posted on the website. 

Vernon Bassham sworn in as President, Marquis de Lafayette chapter, Sons of The American Revolution, Georgia Division.

News and Announcements

The Chapter held our 2023 Annual Awards/Installation Banquet on Janary 7th. A new slate of officers were installed by State Society President, Doctor David Ludley.

The Marquis de Lafayette Chapter will be meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, with the exception of August and January. Beginning March 14, 2023  we will meet at:
IHOP Restaruant, 705 Jeff Davis, N. Fayetteville.
Dinner at 6:00 p.m. with Meeting to follow at 7:00 p.m.



Calendar Of Events

Chapter meetings are on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

Regular meetings are held at the IHOP Restaurant, 705 Jeff Davis,N. Fayetteville, GA 30214