The SAR Ladies Aux consisted of sisters or wives of members of SAR. As of 2022 any woman can join for a lifetime fee of $ 25. The Ladies Auxiliary meets once a year at the GASSAR annual meeting. We hold a business meeting and have a Memorial Service for members who have passed away during the year. We also host the hospitality room at the annual meeting.
April 2018
Ginger Deraney was presented with the GASSAR Ladies Auxiliary pin at the April meeting of the Marquis de Lafayette Chapter GASSAR by Past State Auxiliary President Brenda Jessel. Mrs. Deraney is the Chapter Regent of Fayette Starr’s Mill Chapter, Georgia Society Daughters of the American Revolution. All Marquis de Lafayette ladies including daughters are invited to join the MDL Ladies Auxiliary. For membership information, please contact Mrs. Jessel, 770.254.8579. Pictured: Audrey Wiley, Eleanor Sanderson, Judy Hughes, Carol Glover, Linda Reed, pin recipient Ginger Deraney, Brenda Jessel, Sarah Swab and Pat Strickland .
Walt Reed, a member of Elijah Clarke Militia and member of the GASSAR. Award winning Color Guard, and David Jessel, Past President, took part in the February 9 Heroes of the Hornets Nest commemoration at Elijah Clarke State Park, Lincolnton, GA.
At the foot of War Hill in front of the DAR stone pillar Linda Reed and Brenda Jessel.
Linda Reed and Brenda Jessel, Marquis de Lafayette SAR Ladies Auxiliary, enjoyed the beautiful wreath ceremony at the Heroes of the Hornets Nest Celebration at the Elijah Clarke State Park, Lincolnton, GA, on February 9.
Our Ladies were guests of the Tennessee Society, SAR July 2017
Brenda Jessel and Linda Reed enjoyed a wonderful evening at the Historic James White Fort in Knoxville, TN. They were guests of David Jessel and Walt Reed, respectively, at the Tennessee Society SAR Welcome Reception.
Linda Reed and First Lady Cilla Tomme at the lady's tea at SAR Congress Knoxville TN